6th IGCI Artistic Gymnastics Invitational Meet 2025/26

The 6th IGCI Invitational meet will be hosted at “Bhoir Gymkhana Sparta Life”, Kalyan,Mumbai on 8th & 9th Feb 2025


Bhoir Gymkhana Sparta Life, Kalyan,Mumbai.

At IGCI, our focus lies on uplifting each and every gymnast participating in this unique competition format. We believe in fostering their confidence and granting them the chance to express themselves through their own chosen skills, tailored to their current level of ability.
This format allows every gymnast to compete against their own personal best, enabling them to continually grow and enhance their performance.
Instead of ranking against one another, individual gymnasts receive participation, bronze, silver, gold, or platinum gold recognition based on their scores, creating an atmosphere where everyone is valued as a winner.
Contrasting the conventional format, where only the top three individuals or teams earn medals, IGCI ensures that every gymnast receives a medal based on their score.
It encourages gymnasts to focus on their personal growth rather than comparing themselves to others or merely striving for a medal.
Our ultimate aim is to provide gymnasts with an opportunity to compete against themselves, fostering their individual progress and allowing them to dedicate themselves to self-improvement without the burden of competitive pressure.
Join us on this empowering journey!

Feb 2025


Competition categories:


Registration and Fee Details

  • Date : 8th & 9th Feb 2025 - 9 am to 5 pm (Reporting at 8:15 am)
  • Registration fees(4 Apparatus) : Rs 1500/- per participant(Including 1 Snacks pack )for the gymnast on their competition day.
  • Registration fees(only Floor & Beam) : Rs 1000/- per participant
  • Registration Confirmation : Before 30th Jan 2025
  • Late registration Fee: 500/- Per Gymnast extra
Copy of the Birth Certificate to be submitted at Venue on Competition day.
No Spot Registrations allowed.
For any details or queries please call IGCI @+91 9108001160


  • The competition will be conducted according to the rules of IGCI, unless otherwise modified.
  • Championship will held for Artistic Girls Only.
  • Each club / School can have only maximum of 24 gymnast in each age group.
  • Gymnast Can Participate in lower age group which will be categorised as “Out of Age Gymnast"
  • The Meet will have only one competition in which Individual Apparatus Champion for girls will be decided.


1 Platinum Gold Category 9.50 to 10.00 Gold Medal
2 Gold Category 8.50 to 9.49 Gold Medal
3 Silver Category 7.50 to 8.49 Silver Medal
4 Bronze Category 6.50 to 7.49 Bronze Medal
5 Participation Category 6.49 & Below Participation Certificate
The organisers have the right to change the rules and regulation as and when required. Players from all across India are welcome to participate in this competition.
Bhoir Gymkhana Sparta Life will not be responsible in case of physical injury/accident to any of the gymnast during the competition.

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To inculcate in young minds the spirit of healthy competition while exhibiting their talents and potential

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